Sunday, April 27, 2014

Olivet Discourse: Matt 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36

    Basic Purpose:
    • Answer the question: When and how would the Messianic Kingdom come into being?
      • Israel has rejected the offer so it will obviously be in the future
    • Need all three gospel accounts
      • No one recorded the entire discussion
      • Each author recorded only what was most relevant to his purpose or theme
      • Basic presentation is chronological except where the text indicates otherwise
    • Conditions of Jesus' return are given in Matthew (which is organized thematically, not chronologically: verses Matt 23:37-39 where Jesus lays down the precondition to the second coming
    Setting:  Luke 21:5-6; Matt 24:1,2
    • Temple compound was begun in  20 BC and not finished to 64 AD
    • Pretty impressive -- "Herodian" stones 10 to 12 feet in length and weigh several tons
    • When the Romans burn the city down in 70 AD, the gold melts into the crevices, so literally the stones all have to be moved to get at the gold
    Three Questions & Three Signs:  Matt 24:3; Luke 21:7
    • Matt:  Tell us when shall these things be?
      • These things meaning the destruction of the temple
      • Luke adds the question about the sign that this is to take place
    • Matt:  What shall be the sign of your coming?
    • Matt:  What shall be the sign of the end of this age?
      • Rabbinic theology spoke of two ages: this age and the age to come (the messianic age)
    • Answers the questions out of order: #3, #1, #2
    Characteristic of the Church Age:  Luke 21:8-9; Matt 24:4-6
    • Before really answering the #3, he answered it in the negative by giving characteristics of the church which are NOT signs
      1. Rise of false messiahs (… whole history of false messiahs …)
      2. Existence of local wars
    • Neither of the latter two events have anything to do with the end of the age ("the end will not come right away")
    The Sign of the end of the Age:  Luke 21:10-11; Matt 24:7-8
    • Birth pangs describe the last days of the age
    • Local wars are not a sign but "Nation against Nation, kingdom against kingdom" is a sign
      • Phrase has Jewish origins and is a Hebrew idiom for "World War"
      • A number of non-Christian Jewish authors who use the same definition
    • Probably World War I (and II which really is a continuation of I) are the fulfillment of this prophecy
      • Growth of the Zionist movement
      • Establishment of Israel
    Personal Experiences of the Apostle: Luke 21:12-19 ; Mark 13:9-13
    • Key point:  What are we talking about now?  "BUT BEFORE ALL THESE THINGS …"
    • Jesus stops and goes back in time to what the Apostles would experience
      1. Rejection by the Jews
      2. Rejected by the Gentiles
      3. Undergo persecutions providing opportunities to testify
      4. Would succeed in proclaiming the gospel everywhere
      5. Not to worry, given divine utterance
      6. Rejected by family
      7. Hated by all men to the point of death
      8. Salvation is assured
      9. Succeed in winning many souls
    Sign of the Fall of Jerusalem:  Only Luke 21:20-24
    • Sign:  Jerusalem surrounded by Armies
    • Jerusalem trodden down until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled
    • AD 66: First Jewish Revolt
      • Roman General Cestus Gallus marched on Jerusalem and surrounded the city
      • Could not escape
      • Gallus inexplicably withdraws
      • Christians escape to Pella in the Transjordan
    • AD 68-70:
      • Roman General Vespasian and son Titus besiege city
      • AD 70: City destroyed.  1.1 to 1.4 M people died
      • No Jewish believers died
    The Great Tribulation:  Matt 24:9-26; Mark 13:14-23
    • Very similar to Luke 21:12-19.  Mark and Luke described events that will happen before the world war.
    • Matthew uses the word "then" to describe events after the world war.
    • First half (5 Events)
      1. Tremendous persecution
      2. Rise of false prophets
      3. Rise of sin (no restraint - II Thess 2:6,7 )
      4. Jews who survive to the end will be saved
      5. 144,000 Jews will preach gospel
    • Second half (8 events) Matt 24:15-20
    • Signs of the Second Coming: Matt 24:29-30; Luke 21:25-27
      • A total blackout of the earth
      • Luke says there will be a great amount of perplexity
    All three signs have been given
    • AD 66
    • 1914
    • End of tribulation

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