Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to Recharge Your Spiritual Batteries through the Word of God

  1. Context
    • In Ephesians, Paul prays that for the Ephesians. He asks for power through the HS
      • Eph 3:16 (NIV) I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being
      • How do we get that power? Compare Eph 5:18-20 and Col 3:16
        • Eph 5:18-20 (NIV) Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
        • Col 3:16 (NIV) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
      • The degree to which he are filled with the Spirit or have power is directly related to our intake to the Word of God
      • So, then how do we recharge our spiritual batteries
  2. Hand illustration overview clip_image001
  3. Hear
    • Rom 10:17 (NIV) Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. [[In context, it refers to the need to hear the message for salvation]]
    • What is it about "hearing" the word of God that is not as good as some of the other means of intake? (doesn't require much effort, and is not direct intake)
    • Who learns more, the preacher or the person who listens? Why?
      • The person who does the work learns more
      • The ABC example
    • Why bother to hear the word at all?
      • Involves another sense
      • Provides different insight or perspective
    • What are ways to intake the word through hearing?
      • Listening to a message
      • Reading a Christian book -- why is that hearing and not reading? Reading is direct intake of the word of God; hearing is where someone else does the hard work
      • If the strength of hearing is different points of view and thought, then listen to challenging speaker
      • On-line messages / podcasts:
        • www.discipleshiplibrary.com
        • www.reasons.org
          • Science News Flash; I didn't Know That; Straight Thinking; Creation Update; Without a Doubt: The Cell's Design; More Than a Theory; The Bigger Picture; Why the Universe is the Way It is
  4. Read
    • Rev 1:3 (NIV) Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. [[In context, it is referring to this particular book, but other passages (Ps 19, 119) talk about the benefits of the getting the word]]
    • What changes between hearing and reading?
      • We change senses with reading, we now use our sight
      • But the biggest change is that we directly get God's word into our life, as opposed to a intermediary. We are not reading about God's word, we are directly reading God's word
    • But, beyond the direct aspect, what is the advantage of a bible reading program?
      • A bible reading program provides a perspective; an overview; a historical lay of the land; a way to fit other stories and teachings into
    • The most difficult way to read the bible through -- read from one cover to the other -- you will get stuck somewhere between Leviticus and Deuteronomy
      • Many of the great Christian leaders read through the whole bible every year
        • 3 Chapters a day and 5 on Sunday
      • I recommend skipping around (see Handout)
      • If you have an e-reader
        • Barnes and Nobles sells "The One Year Bible New Living Translation" (OT, Psalm, Proverb, & NT passage each day) for $9.89
        • Amazon also sells Kindle version for $9.89
      • PC Bible v5 and Logos v4 have bible reading programs with bible software
      • E-sword is free to download, but I don't know if it has a reading program
      • If you have an Android phone (not sure on the iPhone)
        • YouVersion Bible has a built in reading plan and all versions of the bible
        • CrossConnect Bible does not have a reading plan but allows you to download and listen to any chapter of the bible (or version) at no cost
  5. Study
    • Acts 17:11 (NIV) Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. [[In context, fits well]]
    • Why is study better than reading?
      • We are really engaging our mind (in fact the degree of mind engagement is the measure of how well you remember)
    • APPLICATION: How to study? You need to tools
      • If you are old-fashioned, you need to build up a library. Key items
        • Good modern study bible
        • Concordance (prefer Strongs because it adds a Greek and Hebrew dictionary)
        • Naves topical bible (useful for topical studies)
        • An additional version (Amplified bible) -- parallel bible
        • Treasury of Scripture knowledge (one of the best cross-reference resources out there)
        • A good commentary (personal recommendation: www.soniclight.com/constable/notes.htm
      • If you have a PC
        • You can download E-Sword for free (www.e-sword.net/index.html) -- modern bible versions will cost you $20-$30
        • Or use an on-line tool, www.blueletterbible.org -- you have to be on-line, but everything is free to access (bible versions, commentaries, even audio)
          • There is a version for the iPad
        • If you want to spend $50-$750, you can buy various versions of PC Study Bible or Libronix' Logos or others
      • I would not recommend bible study on an Android phone or an iPhone (iPad is probably okay)
        • You need multiple windows in view
        • You need a good picture of what you have
        • If you do it the old-fashioned way, you need a desk with a lot of space to spread out
        • You need a pen and pencil or some-type of word-processor (if you have an extra computer, you can put Linux on it, and get a free
    • APPLICATION: Specific study techniques
      • Passage / paragraph analysis #1
        • The following is a format to follow for a plan of Bible Study called STS, or Search the Scriptures.
    Passage: (List the particular passage you are going to analyze.)
    Point of the Passage: (What is it really saying?)
    Parallel Passages:
    Verse Reference Key Thought:
    Problems of the Passage: What is difficult to understand or deal with?
    Profit of the Passage: How is this applicable to me? Make as many practical applications as possible.
    • Detailed paragraph study #2
      • Pray -- only the Holy Spirit can reveal the deep truths of God's word
      • Read the chapter through multiple times (check context)
      • Read the paragraph under consideration several times
        • Read other bible versions
      • Outline the paragraph
        • Identify non-routine words
        • Identify key phrases, principles, or words as outline headings. Use less important phrases, words supporting statements as sub-points
        • Write the headings and sub-points in your own words
      • Record cross references with connecting thoughts
      • Define words (dictionary, lexicon, word study books)
      • Fill out a table where the rows are each verse and the columns are Observation, Interpretation, Correlation, Personal application, Questions). Not every block need be filled in
    Table with columns: Verse; Observation; Interpretation; Correlation; Application; Questions
    …Last verse then 1. Develop a new outline of the passage. 2. Record a paragraph title and key verse. and 3. Read a commentary on paragraph (Constable (see above) is a good reference)
  • Verse analysis
Date of Study _________________ Verse Analyzed___________________
  1. What is the thought preceding this verse?
  2. What is the thought immediately following this verse?
  3. State in your own words what this verse means. What is the writer saying?
  4. How is it translated in other versions?
  5. What are the key Greek / Hebrew words in the verse? What is the Greek definition for each?
  6. Indicate in writing how you can apply this to your own life.
  • Word Study
    • English word
      • Various translations:
      • Dictionary definition:
    • Greek word (s):
      • Lexicon definition:
      • Definitions (other Greek sources):
    • NT references (same Greek word):
    • Greek synonyms:
    • Table w/columns: Total; Translated as:; In New Testament; By Author; In this section
6.  Memorize
  • Ps 119:9,11 (NIV) How can a young man keep his way pure? // By living according to your word. // 11 I have hidden your word in my heart // that I might not sin against you.
  • Comparing study to memorization, what is the advantage of memorization?
    • Longer term retention
    • Recall
    • Transformation
      • Rom 12:2 (NIV) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.
        • We are called to be transformed by renewing our mind
      • Isa 55:10-11 (NIV) As the rain and the snow // come down from heaven,// and do not return to it // without watering the earth // and making it bud and flourish, // so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, // 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: // It will not return to me empty, // but will accomplish what I desire // and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
        • God's word causes change
      • Heb 4:12 (NIV) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
        • God's word can root out the issues of sin in our life
    • How to memorize; what to memorize?
      • The Topical Memory System by the Navigators (60 key verses covering all aspects of a Christian's life)
      • Key verses from QT or bible study or your reading program
      • A New Testament book like Philippians
    • At one Navigator conference, an individual who had memorized thousands of verses challenged us with memorizing 1000 verses. You can do it at a verse a day for three years
    • Instructions:
      • Reference fore and aft
      • Once a day for six weeks
      • Regular review -- usually once a month
7.  (Optional) The sixth finger -- fits between Read and Study -- Devotional Time
  • Devotional Time includes Quiet Time (QT) and Time Alone with God (TAG)
  • It is not reading because …
    • The goal is not to get a broad view of scripture, but rather to hear God speak
    • Usually, the number of verses read is few, a paragraph or two, sometimes only a verse or two
  • It is not study because …
    • I'm not consulting other resources (usually)
    • I'm not trying to figure out meaning; I'm listening to God speaking
  • It adds prayer -- in a purposeful sense because prayer should be a part of every activity involved with the word of God
    • I respond to God in prayer
  • I add journaling
    • I record what the verse says
    • I record what the verse means to me
    • I record what I need to do as a result (meditation / application)
8. Meditate
  • Ps 1:1-3 (NIV) Blessed is the man // who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked // or stand in the way of sinners // or sit in the seat of mockers. // 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, // and on his law he meditates day and night. // 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, // which yields its fruit in season // and whose leaf does not wither. // Whatever he does prospers.
    • What is the result? Meditation is like the nourishment of the river to the tree's roots and the sun to the tree's leaves
    • Nourishment implies that you get something out of it. So tools of meditation are designed to help you get something out. I see a direct link between meditation and application. Good meditation ends in application
    • Ask questions: who, what, where, when, why and how
    • Emphasize different word
      • THE LORD is my shepherd ...
      • The Lord IS my shepherd ...
      • The Lord is MY shepherd ...
      • The Lord is my SHEPHERD …
    • In your own words
      • Paraphrase the verse
    • Other verses
      • Look for cross-references that relate to the verse
    • Use it
      • How can I apply this verse to my life?
  • Time travel
    • Imagine yourself back in time
    • What is the day like? What do you see, smell, feel, hear, and taste?
    • How are people responding? What are different people thinking: believers, skeptics, the not-so-sure?
    • What is going on around? Are there distractions?
    • How does "imagining yourself in the time" effect your understanding of the passage /verse?
  • SPECK (more application oriented)
    • Sin(s) to confess
    • Promise(s) to claim
    • Example(s) to follow or avoid
    • Command(s) to obey
    • Knowledge about God to incorporate

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